
Mining, Construction and Trenching Conicals

Towanda Metadyne, Inc. manufactures road construction, trenching, and mining conicals. These carbide parts are customer specific and are defined by an in-house standard (detailed below):
Diameter (in inches) x Angle of Cutting Tip (in Degrees) x Overall Length (in inches) x Angle @ Base
Example: A conical with an overall diameter of .750", a 90 point, an overall length of 1.100", and an angular base would be defined as: 750 x 90 x 1100 x 135D.
Conical Part Formula


  1. The above standard is a general classification of the part's physical configuration.
  2. To request pricing and availability, please supply a part print or detailed physical dimensions and required tolerances.
  3. See Towanda Grade listing for available grades of Tungsten Carbide. Special grades available upon request.